Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Mr. Twister's tornado of terror
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The silver age 1956-1968

With the new modernized versions of the original Justice Society characters, new editor Julius Schwartz decided to bring back the Justice Society. But instead since Schwartz liked baseball he called them The Justice League of America. So in The Brave and Bold 28 J.L.A. debuted seen tangled in the tentacles of the alien starfish Starro. At the end 1960 J.L.A. got there own comic series. Also in the The silver age there were a lot of comics that were made for teens such as Swing with Scooter, Pat Boone and Teen Beat. And comedy comics were still being published. Adventure comics were selling very well since they had been making Superboy. And in their two hundred seventy first issue the fans got a chance to see Clark Kent and Lex Luthor met. In this issue Lex appears with a full head of hare and was friends with Clark's other ego Superboy. But all his hair falls out when he is making a kryptonite antidote and fumes knock all his hair out. Another big silver age thing happened in May of 1964 in Detective comics 327. Writer John Broome and new artist Carmine Infantino saved Detective comics from cancelation with the new look Batman witch debuted the yellow ellipse around the Bat-emblem. This look was also presented in the Adam West tv show. The 1960's were a very big time for Batman with Poison Ivy being made in 66 and in 69 Dick Grayson going off to college. In the year of Batman getting his new look in The Brave and The Bold 54 Robin, Kid Flash and Aqulad get called to helped a Teenage rights movement in Hatton Corner. But when they find out that all the teenagers have been captured by Mr. Twister they team up to find Mr. Twister and rescue all the teenagers. Though at this time they did not have a team name they would soon be called The Teen Titans. Also in the Silver age not many of the real famous villains were shown in many comics. Batman faced one of his biggest villains yet in 66, The Blockbuster ( Mark Desmond ). Being rescued by a young Bruce Wayne from almost sinking into quicksand Mark thought of himself being scrawny. At an older age he made a serum that would make him taller, bigger and stronger. But threw the process of going threw his body he became a mindless brute. Batman and Robin tackled with him in Detective comics 349 finding out that he can only be relaxed by sight of Bruce Wayne. In 1967 Barbra Gorden was introduced to the family of DC characters In Detective comics 359. While trying to get into a costume ball Barbra sews herself a costume that looks almost alike to Batman's. At the ball protecter of the underworld Killer Moth shows up and is gonna take Bruce Wayne hostage when Barbra jumps into action. Later getting help from Batman and Robin she was granted a partnership with them and Batman said that her helped will be needed. I do consider that The Silver age was one of my favorite comic times. It's was really a treat going threw it with you. Nuff said!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The legacy of comic book's and why the world needs them
The golden age of comics.
The golden age of comics was loaded with war stories such as Captain America,Boy Commandos and many more. Batman would sometimes have [ buy war bonds and stamps ] on his cover, while Superman, Robin and Batman where throwing baseballs at Hitler. But the golden age also had most of their characters made in that time period. such as the original Flash, Green lantern, Atom,Clay Face, Mister Terrific, Black Canary and Star Sapphire. But another thing that happened in that time was the making of the Justice League of America. But it wasn't called Justice League. It was called The Justice Society of America.
The only people who were not in it were Superman, Batman and Robin and Wonder Women. At the end of the 40's The Riddler was made in Detective Comics 140. Robin also got a solo career in Star Spangled comics 65. In the 1950's The Justice Society wasn't really known anymore. But there were new comic series being made such as "The Brave and the Bold" and "Showcase". And new characters like Krypto, Ace the Bat-hound and Mr. Zero, now known as Mr. Freeze. Also after the Justice Society had ended other types of comic books came out like monster comics, romance comics, western comics and sci-fi comics. Julius Schwartz and Gardner Fox were some of the most Important people in the DC industry. Julius decided sometime in 1956 to bring back some of old Justice Society of America characters. So they made a modernized version of The Flash (Barry Allen) and a new Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). And along with those characters many others. But not only were there new characters there was also a new age of comics.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
A dead bird part one

Monday, August 22, 2011
The rainbow Batman

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
the life of Jason Todd, the teen wonder

It has been six months since Bruce Wayne put street kid Jason Todd under the role of Robin the teen wonder. But in these six months there have been some weird twists and turns. But finally we come to the day when all the training is done, and everybody knows what to do. And the most important thing of all... Jason Todd is happy. One day Jason was walking down the street feeling the leaves blow in the wind, while happily walking back to Wayne manor. But right then a man yelled, "help, somebody. That cars a runaway." But right when Jason heard the man yelling he noticed that a women and her baby were walking down the same street. Then Jason pushed the woman and her baby out of the way. When they got to the other side of the road the man said to the woman, "Are you okay. My breaks failed." "I'm fine. That boy saved me," said the lady. "Don't sweat it... it was nothing," Jason said. When Jason got back to the manor the first place he went to was the cave. "Hello master Jason, I thought you would've been here hours ago," said Alfred. "I saved this lady from getting hit by a runaway car. Where's Bruce," said Jason. ", Out discussing some things about Killer Croc to Commissioner Gorden," Alfred said. Jason and Alfred had a talk to pass the time while Bruce was gone. In the talk Jason got some in

Monday, April 11, 2011
Just another kid on Crime alley

Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Ending of Dick Grayson, The First Boy Wonder

Friday, April 1, 2011
Robins history of cartoons
Part Two of Robin's Reckoning
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The origin of Dick Grayson the first boy wonder part five

Batman and now a Robin were in the bile and Batman had told robin to put this paper boy costume on while he went and got some clues. Dick ask why and Batman said so you could get some clues for your self. Then Batman drop Dick off and said" I'm gonna let you do this one on your own, if you hear anything on Zucco just call me on your Bat phone, but don't go off fighting them alone, your not that good".
After that Dick walk off to find some people that would bye his papers. He waited half an hour and then he saw some guys coming at him. They said he would get paid but he had to pay them first. So Dick acted scared and paid, then he went back to the cave. Then Dick told Bruce what happened. Then when Dick went to bed Bruce looked up all of Zucco's henchmen.When Dick got up The next morning Bruce asked him to come down in the Bat-cave and eat breakfast. Dick didn't get why he was in this place until Bruce said to come over to the computer. When Dick did Bruce showed him all the henchmen

Saturday, March 26, 2011
The origin of Dick Grayson the first boy wonder part four

Friday, March 25, 2011
The origin of Dick Grayson the first boy wonder part three

Bruce Wayne had just walked out of the doctor’s and got in his car when he notice it was 11:50am!! He had to hurry because Dick Grayson could be having a much better time now. Bruce got to court right on time, but the owner of St. Jude's was already there. Dick was really scared, he still felt like living with his parents was the life for him. Now the judge had begun to speak. On the right side was sister Mary Elizabeth, who still had a scab from the day Zucco cut her. And on the right side was the owner of St. Jude's; well, everybody on the right was from St. Jude's. And on the left side was Bruce Wayne, the Commissioner, Detective Bulluk and some other people. All they did the entire day was put out points of who is the better person to take the kid in. "Will you train this boy in your basic good habits or are you trying to just get money from his circus days", said Bruce. "But also are you going to teach the boy about the Holy Spirit" said the owner. Bruce began to explain, "I have 50 bible's in my own room and if you count every room it would be 112,988 bibles, I'll give him every thing he needs" Bruce said, knowing that was a lie.” I could even put him back in the circus as the Lone Grayson", said the owner, also knowing that was a lie. "If I take the kid there will be no harm to the boy because I live four miles out of Gotham", Bruce said happily. " Then that settles it, I now declare Richard Dick Grayson Bruce Wayne's ward", said the judge and with the bang of his hammer it really was settled. That afternoon Dick was dropped off at what he called giant, Wayne Manor. Alfred had made a welcome to your new home cake while Bruce had cleaned up his old room so that Dick could sleep there. It took a few hours before Bruce finished cleaning so Dick sat down and read a book. While he was reading he heard wings. He went over and saw that there was a bat's nest on the other side of the window. After that Bruce came out and welcomed him to his manor. "You have to take it one day at a time and after a while it will feel like your real home", said Bruce. "Thanks mister Wayne ", said Dick, who was happy and sad at the same time. "Call me Bruce", said Bruce." I think we should let master Dick rest up master Bruce you never know if people want to interview him", said Alfred pleasantly. Then everybody went to bed except Dick who only had five hours of sleep because at six in the morning there were 800 interviewers yelling for an interview. Bruce got up and tried to tell them to go away but then they wanted an interview with him too! Bruce got back in and went and made breakfast for later. Then Dick got out of bed and bruised his teeth. Then he ate breakfast and went out to stop the yelling. There was no other way to stop it, then to have Dick answer the reporters' questions. and doing it outside. Dick only could last so many hours. After a while Bruce took over and let Dick go back in. When Bruce came back in he ate some more and left for a meeting. When Bruce left all Dick and Alfred did was play board games all day and night. And that's what they did for the next five weeks. On the next week Dick got fed up with this and went to his room. After a while he thought "this is perfect time to go and get Zucco",. So Dick put on his old red pj's and a hat and flipped out the window thinking" this is where being a flying Grayson comes in handy",. Dick ran in to the city and found just what he was looking for, a flying paper with Zucco's face on it. And then ran off into east Gotham which is mostly known by the name of, crime ally were most of the mobsters live. Mean while Bruce Wayne is also in crime ally but not as Bruce Wayne as Batman! He was still looking for Zucco but in order to do that he needed more information. so he took out another mobster who was in a bar and took his hat , belt and shirt. Then he took some make up from his belt and made himself look like a real mobster. Then he searched the city from rooftop to rooftop to rooftop. Batman was about to take the close back to the mobster when he had just heard the name Zucco being said by a couple of gamblers. So he jumped down there with out being notice and some how joined them. He had been playing with them for a long time and after a while he had got tired and right then one of the mobsters said “what is your name?" “Smith ", said Bruce. "Search em boys", said one of the gamblers." He might be a police smith or a sergeant smith and if your trying to get us you wont get us", said the lead gambler. They all jumped on to Bruce he took one of his Bat bombs and blew then away from him. Then they came back at him, he kicked one in the ribs and then punch all the others. And when no one was looking he became Batman! "You know anything on a guy named Zucco", said Batman. "kinda", said the gambler. "All I know is that him and his gang are going to takeover this towns best food place and bar", said the gambler. Batman threw him back down on the ground. Meanwhile Dick had been showing people the picture of Zucco and had not been turning out so good. Then he sees a guy and shows him the picture and the guy says "That is my boss Zucco", said the mobster! "It is ", said Dick who was starting to run. "You weren't trying to take him out were you", said the mobster. Dick gulped and then kicked the guy in the shin and started running. "Hey come back here you little creep", said the mobster angrily. "I didn't say I was done with you kid", said the mobster. Then the guy had Dick at gunpoint when suddenly he fell to the ground. And right behind him was a big and terrible sight , the Batman!! Dick tried to run but anywhere he went the bat was already there. Dick gave up and let the bat take him. "Get in the car", Batman said. The whole ride to the cave was quiet, when they got to the cave Dick jump out of the car. "Is this were you live", asked Dick. "No I Work here", Batman said. "I think there are some thing's you should know about me", Batman said darkly. Then Batman backed Dick up into the Bat computer and took off his mask and Dick said in shock "no not you anybody but you",!!!! Don't miss the next part of the story see if Zucco gets cot until next time on BOY WONDER'S COMIC BOOK BLOG TA TA FOR NOW!!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The origin of Dick Grayson the first boy wonder part two

Commissioner Gorden and the police had just put the bags on Dick's parents when the Commissioner said 'this kid needs a home. Batman got back to the Batcave by the roof tops not the Bile. He called the Bile back to the Batcave while he looked up everything he could on Tony Zucco. Luckily he found his story. It said that his parents were killed and his brothers and sisters were all divided, and he was put in a place called St. Jude's orphanage. And there was one person who cared for Zucco very much, Mary Elizabeth. Who found one day found Zucco praying in front a Jesus statue. When she came up to him she was so proud of him until she heard what he was praying for , and he was praying that the criminal who killed his parents would die and Elizabeth replied
[will that bring your parents back to you] and then Zucco said [ no, and I don't care]. Then two weeks later Sister Elizabeth found out Zucco had disappeared from the orphanage and then she found an address scrawled up on a paper. She went to that address and saw Zucco killing two men. when he got out Elizabeth stop him , she still saw hope in him but Zucco blew it. At that moment she tried to tell him I can help you , but Zucco didn't listen. Instead he took a knife and cut Sister Elizabeth on the cheek. Then he ran away; far, far away deep into Gotham. Then he started hanging out with gangs, he would rob places with them too. And when he would have lunch somewhere he would always take notes of what every expert gangster would say, and put it into a book so that one day he could become the king mobster in Gotham city. Batman got up and took off his costume upstairs in the bathroom. Then he took a shower. When he got out he dried himself them he got in his robe and put his Bat suit in the wash and then went to bed. Next morning Bruce got up at 8am in the morning. Alfred was up before him and had already made breakfast [which was Oatmeal and fresh milk]. Bruce felt like Wayne Manor had become a little lonely to him. But that was how he could be Batman. He tried not to think about it and he didn't until he pick up the paper remembering Dick Grayson's parents were just killed last night! Then he started thinking about how sad and lonely the poor kid could feel. But then he looked closer at the paper when he notice that Dick Grayson was being transfered to a new home, And right next to it, it said to St. jude's orphanage. Bruce still knew that kid deseverd a better life style after all he's been through. Then Bruce thought even deeper and then he saw that this kid should live with me! Both of there parents were killed only difference is Bruce was younger then Dick when his parents were killed. Then Bruce finished his breakfast and brushed his teeth and washed his face and then put his clothes on and waved good bye to Alfred without Alfred even knowing what Master Bruce was doing, and then Bruce got in his car and went off to St. Jude's. Then at a red light Bruce looked at what day Dick was going on, and it was Apr. 19, 1940. That's today Bruce thought. When the light turned green Bruce went as fast as the speed limit. Luckily he got there right when Dick Grayson went inside. Then he ran in there and found them and told them that he could provide a better life style for this kid with all his money. The owner of St. jude's overheard Bruce Wayne talking and came out and said , "lets let the boy choose, Wayne, I think a humble and holy place like this is way better than a mansion for a boy who's lost his parents, like you." And Dick said "I don't know." Then the owner said "we can finish this in court if you want to Wayne." "Deal, but this kid needs more money" Bruce said, not knowing the owner was a play boy too, the first owner of St. jude's had passed away two years ago. "Tomorrow meet me in court at noon," Mr. play boy the owner said. Bruce got back in his car feeling all angry and steamed up. But what got his attention when he was going back to Wayne manor was that there were ripped up pictures of Zucco all over town now. And then he remembered he had to go to Wayne Tech. for a meeting at 5:00 pm and it was 4:48pm, he had to hurry up. Bruce got back at 12:00 and he had to make it to the thing at noon. Bruce thought all night about how stupid it was to agree with that guy who own's St. jude's. Next morning Bruce got up feeling like he could win the case! Bruce had to go to the Doctor's because of a fight with Hugo Strange, he got a broke toe. Bruce went to the Docter and after that it was time to see who gets Dick Grayson! Don't fail to see who gets Dick Grayson and when does he become the Boy Wonder. Until next time on BOY WONDER'S COMIC BOOK BLOG!!!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The origin of Dick Grayson the first boy wonder part one