Batman and now a Robin were in the bile and Batman had told robin to put this paper boy costume on while he went and got some clues. Dick ask why and Batman said so you could get some clues for your self. Then Batman drop Dick off and said" I'm gonna let you do this one on your own, if you hear anything on Zucco just call me on your Bat phone, but don't go off fighting them alone, your not that good".
After that Dick walk off to find some people that would bye his papers. He waited half an hour and then he saw some guys coming at him. They said he would get paid but he had to pay them first. So Dick acted scared and paid, then he went back to the cave. Then Dick told Bruce what happened. Then when Dick went to bed Bruce looked up all of Zucco's henchmen.When Dick got up The next morning Bruce asked him to come down in the Bat-cave and eat breakfast. Dick didn't get why he was in this place until Bruce said to come over to the computer. When Dick did Bruce showed him all the henchmen

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