Just another kid on Crime alley
A young
boy from the streets of crime alley had just been dropped off at a school in Crime Alley . But when young Jason Todd went in to the school there was a big problem. But at the same time Batman was hoping that what he just did was the right move and that Jason Todd wasn't... just another kid on Crime alley. Batman was riding in the bat-mobile still thinking about Jason and if he had other smarts then stealing tires. When Bruce got back Alfred asked him how could the boy stole the tires off the bat-mobile. And Bruce said", we put on those new tires and I didn't finish redesigning the hub caps". ", There for leaving the hub caps exposed" said Alfred. Meanwhile at Ma Gunns school for boys Jason is having a lot more trouble then Batman thought. ",We've got a new pupil, luvs. Batman sent 'im... Now, who wants to stuff the little stoolie for old Ma" Ma Gunn said slowly. Then all the guys started coming around Jason saying they would give him a swimming lesson where he holds his breath for a very long time under water. But most of them got the words wrong and got a pinch from Ma. Then all the kids started a fight but Jason still took the first anything. But there were still to many people on the other side and Jason got all of them piled on top of him. ",Spunky little bloke" Ma said to Jason. Next morning play boy Bruce Wayne was looking for a copy of Jason Todd parents files. And he finally found a court house with prints of the Todd family. He asked the lady on the computer if he could get some prints on the Todd parents.But when he was walking out his stroke off luck was out. Because Viki Vale saw him and started getting all into his day. On the way out of the court house Viki asked Bruce if he would want to join her on her interview on Crime Alley. And Bruce agreed hoping this wouldn't be like another date. When they got to Crime Alley the first place they went to was, Ma Gunns school for boys. But there were already some people there so they had to wait. When they all the other people went out and Ma saw Bruce and Viki, Viki said ", I have a few followup questions for my article--but I didn't want to interrupt your television debut!" Viki said.", Your becoming quite a media star" Bruce said. Then Ma welcomed them in to her school. Ma and Bruce had a talk about how to run a school alone in Crime Alley. When Viki and Bruce left Ma got back to the re
al lesson. Which was why a revolver is better then a automatic. And Right in the middle of class Freddy [ one of the kids ] started smoking weed. And right when Ma saw him doing it she smacked him and said", how many times do I have to tell you.. never do dope". Then old Ma picked up a bottle of beer and said", stick with booze boys". And then one of the kids wanted to have some trust and wanted to try some right away. But Ma stopped him and said", ah ah ah boys, we will need your heads nice and clear for the big robbery tonight". And right at that moment Jason was thinking", this old dame is batty.That night as Jason drops out of school [ which means literally dropping out of a building on a rope ] the Batman is meting Jim Gorden for some important information on the Todds. ", Here are your print outs on the Todd family", Gorden said. Gorden told Batman that That Willis Todd was a flunky for Two-Face and that Dent shot him for failing a mission. But Jim asked Batman what was his interest in the Todd family. And Batman said", its personal Jim". But right at that moment two college kids were out in Crime Alley trying to score some.. ya know. But the guys they were trying to get it from stole there money and they both got knocked down to the ground. But right when the guys who stole the money were about to scatter Batman flew in and gave them a taste of there own medisin. Then he got the others guys up and told them", go home. keep your noses clean, and your butts out of Crime alley". When Batman was walking back to see how Jason was doing he ran into a guy that got his tires stole. And Batman said ", I think I know who did this Sir.",. And sure enough he was right. Jason Todd stole the tires. But when Batman found Jason he wasn't at Ma Gunns. He was in his room with his headphones on reading a book. Batman took the head gear off Jason's ears and said", you didn't keep your end of the bargain",. ", Like Hell" Jason yelled. Then Batman asked Jason why he wasn't at Ma Gunns and Jason said", ha! Swell school you enrolled me in! It's a kindergarten for crime.". And as they return the tires The Batman hears an incredible tale about Ma Gunn. But when they return the tires to the man, the man and the Batman are to late to see Jason go away. In fact the man didn't even see Jason. But Batman had some crime busting he needed to do with Ma Gunn and her boys. Meanwhile Ma Gunn and her boys are at the museum. One of the kids knocked out the guard of the front door. When they were walking down the hallway there were all these big ruby's and crystals all over the place. And they finally got to the rocks they were looking for. And they were the same rocks the Joker was after the day before yesterday, when there was a Robin. Ma Gunn was looking right at the crystal necklace and was right in front of it but the Bat always comes in on time. Batman kicked the first kid in the face while he was still on his grapple hook. And the second kid got kneed and punched in the face. But then Ma hit Batman on the head with a purse but Batman still wasn't knock out. ", You wouldn't hit a poor old lady would you Batman", Ma Gunn said hoping he would not see the gun behide her back. ", Never" Batman said while he had punched Ma Gunn. And with that one punch old Ma was taking a six hour nap. But there was still one kid he needed to get, Freddy who he didn't see. But Freddy saw Batman from way up in the air. Freddy was up on one of the giant diamond platforms. And he was about to push the giant diamond on the Batman. But luckily Jason came in a few minutes after Batman was under the platform and Jason said", Batman look out!". Batman jumped out of the way. Then Freddy jumped down to a way lower platform to fight Jason. But Jason totally mocked the floor with Freddy. When Batman and Jason got out of the museum Batman asked Jason ", how did you get in to the museum". ", Same as you, throw the roof" Jason said. ", Why didn't you call the police", Batman asked. ", Wheres the fun in that" Jason said. Then Batman took Jason to the bat-mobile and let Jason ride in it. ", You know, if you turn me over to the social workers, well...the chances of a kid my age findin a decent home are slim..." Jason said. And Batman ended up saying", don't bet on it... Robin". DON'T FAIL TO SEE IF JASON TODD SUCCEEDS IN HIS FIRST MISSION AS ROBIN!!! UNTIL NEXT TIME...
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