The origin of Dick Grayson the first boy wonder part four

No it can't be, not Bruce anybody but Bruce", Dick said in shock. "
Well it's me Dick, I am the Batman", Bruce said sadly. After that night Dick had gotten used to the fact that Bruce Wayne was Batman,
every day after he finished his lunch he would go down into the Batcave. Bruce had been trying to find a school for Dick but every middle school in Gotham had some tipe of problem. Dick had been thinking about how cool it was to be living with Batman and know his other side. That night Bruce had came into Dick room to say "I might have some free time coming up this Friday and Saturday",. The next day Alfred decided to teach Dick about math and other school subjects sence Dick wasn't in school yet. It was Friday morning and Dick had don flips all the way to the kitchen. Bruce was already up like a bat and had made a list of things him and Dick could do. After breakfast both of them went and got ready for the day. The first thing they did was play board games and video games. Then they did sroad fighting in the workout room. And finily they finished off with a baseball game at the statem , Bruce had boxed seets. When they got back it was 5:00 pm. The next few days were peaceful, Everybody was settled down and Bruce and Dick had a Saturday movie night. On Sunday Bruce had a real meting at Wayne tec. and it was another day with just Dick and Alfred, as always they played more board games. But after that Dick decided to go down in the cave. He had gone on to the bat -
computer looking up all source of stuff. After a while Dick got tired and decided to take a nap. When he was napping in the cave Bruce had just got back and was looking for him. When Bruce looked in the cave Dick heard him and said, "I Wish I could go and find Zucco with you but I don't have the skills",. "I could teach you but I don't want you getting hurt", Bruce said. After that Dick kept on bagging and bagging and then Bruce said ", alright I will teach you okay it starts tomorrow", Bruce said comely. Next day the training had started and Dick was up and ready. The first thing Dick had to do was become a detective. Batman always told him [we fight with are minds not are hands].
"You always need to take four looks at something before you leave the crime scene", Batman said. "And always take notes, if you ever see something that looks weird take a note or take it back to the cave and analies it", Batman said. After two months of practice Dick had became a master detective now he needed the fighting skills which took over four months. Bruce had showed Dick every fighting method in the world now Dick had to practice them. After a while Dick had became a expert fighter too but there were still three more things he had to learn before he went on patrol. The first thing was being in the shadows, Dick had to learn not to move but still move. And the next month Dick could jump out on Bruce. Then there were the weapons the dear old weapons. Dick had to pick which weapons he wanted to use and how to use them. Dick had been having the hardest time with the weapons and was about to give up when he remembered that if he didn't get Zucco his parents death would still be in vain. So he practice until he was perfect. The next month Dick had mastered everything and now all he needed was a costume. "I need something that is red , yellow, green, and black", Dick said. "I now I will be the boy wonder or maybe the robin hood 2 yeah I will be Robin Hood two the boy wonder", Dick said happily. So the next day Dick and Bruce made the suit. It was a robin hood suit with a hood on it. The next thing they did was try the costume out on some old bat robots. Dick hadn't don good at fighting it at all but Bruce knew it wasn't Dick it was the suit. So they throw away that suit and thoght about another one. It took a couple minuets before Dick said " I know I will be Robin the boy wonder a robin's way more smart and fast and it would present me more like a flying Grayson", Dick said happily. And then they got to work on Robins costume. the next night Dick saw what it looked like in the end. It had a red chest and green sleeves and then he had green tights and elf shoes. Dick tried it on and had said "I feel funny and I feel like a sidekick not a partner",. "Well you'll have to where them beacuse Zucco already rules all of that town in crime alley so lets roll ",
said Batman. Until next time on BOY WONDER'S COMIC BOOK BLOG TA TA FOR NOW!!
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