The rainbow Batman
Two months ago Batman and Robin battled one of there most dangerous villains of all time, the Firefly, the man of a thousand lights. And now he's back again. But this time the dynamic duo are ready in..... THE RAINBOW BATMAN! Down in the Bat-cave secretly located under a barn near Wayne Mayor, Batman and Robin are getting ready to bust some lip. But Batman is doing some weird things to his costume. "But, Batman. Last night you wore the green costume.. and tonight you're wearing the red! Why!" said Robin. "I must, Robin.. I must wear a different colored Batman costume each night! Said Bruce. Then they were off. Firefly was at the bank using his red prisma ray to open the volt. But the dynamic duo were all ready there. Then Firefly shot his red ray straight at Batman, but nothing happened. "You're red prisma ray is useless against objects of the same color. The rainbow rampage is over Firefly!" said Batman. " Smart changing the color of you're costume each night to neutralise my power. But you forget, I'm the man of a thousand lights"! said Firefly. Then he shot out all his colors and a gigantic rainbow creature. The dynamic duo threw everything the had at it. Any thing they threw at it would melt, freeze, or something else strange. "Each color has it's own strange power." said Robin. Then Robin got hit by the green light and turned into a two dimensional being. "You're gone Batman, my creature has cornered you." said Firefly. "Then it's a good thing I made another alterasion to my costume!" said Batman. Then Batman changed his costume from just red on it to having all the colors on it. Now each color the Rainbow creature shot wouldn't work. Then Batman jump up and kicked it, and punched Firefly. Then Robin became his normal shape again. "Unfortunately the effect was only temporary". Then Robin added on " But Firefly's going up the river permanently".
LOL @ "bust some lip"! Love the way this is makes you feel like you're witnessing the scenes. Keep on keepin on young brotha!!
Good Job Nephew!!! Can't wait for the next episode!!!