The origin of Dick Grayson the first boy wonder part one
This is the origin of Dick Grayson, who was Batman's first partner. Our story begins with the Haly Circus. There were three trapeze artists practicing for the show, who were known as the flying Graysons. After that Dick and his mother went into a tent. Dick's mom was helping on his hand stand in the little tent. She always told Dick when you do your hand stand try to go more to the left. Now they only had two more minutes before they where on. But before they got to the big tent a family walk up to them, the family's last name was Drake, there was Mr. Drake, Ms. Drake and little Timothy drake. They wanted to take a picture with the flying Graysons. And they did and that was the last picture of happiness the flying graysons ever had together. Now there was only one more minute before they were on. Dick used that minute by going out and smelling the fresh air. But when he walking passed Mr. Halys' room he heard voices. Dick decided to eavesdrop a little bit. He heard that they were threatening Mr. Haly to let them give him fake protection money. And if he didn't agree they would make the show a disaster. Dick ran back to the tent to tell his parents about what would happen but he was to late, they were on!! The announcer introduced the flying Graysons, and a special thanks for the coming of play boy Bruce Wayne and his lovely date Vikki Vale. The first person was Dick , with the triple loop flip. And the boy wonder did it but then Dick flipped in the air and started falling every body started screaming except Bruce. He told Viki this kid knows what he's doing. And Bruce was right, Dick grabbed the trapeze doing a backwards split in the air. Next was Ms. and Mr. Grayson who were going to show Dick that he had a lot to learn. Dick's mom put both feet on the trapeze and then Dick's dad flip from out into the air from the other side. But then the trapeze fell and there was now net to catch Dicks parents. Dick's parents were dead !!!! Dick knew it was murder, he knew that this was the disaster. Dick came down . He laid there on his knees. His feet were covered with his mother's blood. He got up and walk away from them. But just then a dark figure came gliding out of the sky , the Batman! He came down to the ground and five minutes later the police came told the Batman that a guy named Tony Zucco, had put acid on the rope. After that Dick started running, Harry the clown one of Dick's circus friend's told him to stop but Dick didn't listen he kept on running. He was going to find Zucco and kill him. But Batman called the Batmobile. It took Batman 20 minute's find him, he was about to go into the Forest but batman grabbed his arm. Then Dick started crying thinking it was Zucco . When he looked back at the Batman Dick fainted. When Batman got back with a startled and sleeping kid the police had just covered up the bodies. And the then commissioner Gorden said ' this kid needs a home. To be continued....
Who is Dick Grayson again?