While attending a Radiation Demonstration High school student Peter Benjamin Parker was bitten by a spider that somehow was infected by the Radiation. Feeling dizzy Peter went out where he was almost hit by a car in the street. But somehow he had sensed it coming and jumped. What made him even more dizzy was that he was crawling up the side of a building. When he got to the top he was holding on to a pipe that he had somehow smashed. He couldn't make sense of anything thinking he might keep transforming into some sort of Spider monster. He soon made use of his powers by making money off of it. Putting on some jeans and some very old shirts and masks Peter took on Professional wrestler Crusher Hogan. After that Peter made a costume that fit him better and also web shooters that would make it seem like he could shoot webs. After that he went on TV to show people his amazing powers. After one of his shows Peter saw a police running after a burglar. Peter who was now not letting anyone boss him around anymore let the burglar pass saying to the police man "Not my problem". A few nights later when Peter was coming home from one of his shows he saw a police car parked in his drive-way. He heard that his Uncle Ben had been killed. He also heard that they had the killer surrounded in a old warehouse near there house. Right then Peter turned into Spider-man. He went right in the warehouse startling the killer from crawling down a wall. After taking down the killer Peter saw a terrible thing. It was the burglar who he didn't stop when he had the chance. And at that moment Peter understood "With great power there must also be Great responsibility" something his Uncle Ben had once told him. From that point on Peter vowed to use his powers to help our world. And from that point on Peter Benjamin Parker was... THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN!!!!!!!!